Elements, 2017 - 2018, driftwood, natural elements - feathers, fur, bone, metals, plant materials etc., wood stain
Elements (Detail), 2017 - 2018, driftwood, natural elements - feathers, fur, bone, metals, plant materials etc., wood stain
Vessels Group on Lake Ontario Beach, 2009
Dimensions variable, Mixed media in pressed aluminum screening
Cradled Youth, 2000 - 2005
Forsythia and dogwood branches and bushes, 210 x 240 x 90 cm
Genesis, 2003-2004
Steel rods, primer, crystal ball/egg, 480 x 120 cm
Cliff Sentinels, 2003
7 meter diameter circle of 12 driftwood inverted, re-imagined tree trunks, 5.5 meters tall in steel braces. Installation on Lake Ontario cliff
7 meter diameter circle of 12 driftwood inverted, re-imagined tree trunks, 5.5 meters tall in steel braces. Installation on Lake Ontario cliff
Cliff Sentinels, 2003
7 meter diameter circle of 12 driftwood inverted, re-imagined tree trunks, 5.5 meters tall in steel braces.
Installation on Lake Ontario cliff
7 meter diameter circle of 12 driftwood inverted, re-imagined tree trunks, 5.5 meters tall in steel braces.
Installation on Lake Ontario cliff
Oh, Canada 2003 Aluminum window screening, maple leaves, white pine gunnels, communication wire, steel, Canadian Chamber of Commerce